Football Lily is a perennial flower plant which is somewhat red and pinkish coloured flower, it is Hardy in nature and planted for decoration purpose in different places. It's flower is called umbel. This umbel is formed by number of multiple flowers in a stem and appears like globe. It's stem is called scape and one stem has one globe.
Spring and monsoon season are best for planting football Lily as they flourishes well in these Seasons where as during cold climate or winter season they undergo dormant phase where they do not bloom and wait for favourable climatic factors. During summer and monsoon they bloom and thive best.
Best months for planting football Lily is from month of February to month of October. Flowers mostly Bloom in late summers and monsoon season. After blooming the growth of leaves or foliage can be seen. These leaves in winter season get brown and get damaged due to unfavourable climatic conditions where as during summer and monsoon they also flourishes well after blooming of flowers and helps to make flower plant more attractive.
Packaging, Shipping and Return
- Available in pack of 5 Bulbs
- Each bulb is of 6cm Hight and 5 cm width
- Each Bulb is Approx 70gm weight
- Not Eligeble for Return
- Free shipping in Entire UP and Northern region
- Rs79/-Extra per order on Rest of India
- Free shipping all over India above Order value of Rs.599/-